Thursday, December 31, 2009
- 18:28 What the.. hail! #
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
- 12:52 My present from Veronica finally arrived today: 160GB iPod classic! I could listen to this thing for months without hearing a song twice! #
- 14:34 I think I just heard an old lady tell a Target employee she was looking for "plastic containers to put crap in" #
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
- 14:39 OMFG #
Monday, December 21, 2009
When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
A casual drunkard's-walk of link following through tvtropes lead me to this page:
Which casually mentions that two chapters of the book, "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" (where the title of the Pink Floyd album came from) and "Wayfarers All", are "often cut from modern editions".
I don't remember much of that book, not having re-read it since being about 8 years old, but after re-reading those two chapters on the net (, fortunately it's public domain), I suddenly remember being, for lack of a better word, entranced by them.
"Piper" describes something like what C. S. Lewis called "Sehnsucht", and to me at least is successful in actually inducing that feeling in the reader.
"Wayfarer's All", while not involving anything as mind-blowing as a random encounter with the god Pan in a 19th century English childrens book, furnishes choice quotes like this:
Cut from modern editions? What. The. Hell! Yes I know they are weird (especially "Piper") and generally have nothing to do with Mr. Toad's adventures, but... damn..
I shed a manly tear for the omission of these chapters.
Which casually mentions that two chapters of the book, "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" (where the title of the Pink Floyd album came from) and "Wayfarers All", are "often cut from modern editions".
I don't remember much of that book, not having re-read it since being about 8 years old, but after re-reading those two chapters on the net (, fortunately it's public domain), I suddenly remember being, for lack of a better word, entranced by them.
"Piper" describes something like what C. S. Lewis called "Sehnsucht", and to me at least is successful in actually inducing that feeling in the reader.
"It's gone!" sighed the Rat, sinking back in his seat again. "So beautiful and strange and new! Since it was to end so soon, I almost wish I had never heard it. For it has roused a longing in me that is pain, and nothing seems worth while but just to hear that sound once more and go on listening to it for ever. No! There it is again!" he cried, alert once more. Entranced, he was silent for a long space, spellbound.
"Now it passes on and I begin to lose it," he said presently. "O Mole! the beauty of it! The merry bubble and joy, the thin, clear, happy call of the distant piping! Such music I never dreamed of, and the call in it is stronger even than the music is sweet! Row on, Mole, row! For the music and the call must be for us."
The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. "I hear nothing myself," he said, "but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers."
"Wayfarer's All", while not involving anything as mind-blowing as a random encounter with the god Pan in a 19th century English childrens book, furnishes choice quotes like this:
"And you, you will come too, young brother; for the days pass, and never return, and the South still waits for you. Take the Adventure, heed the call, now ere the irrevocable moment passes! 'Tis but a banging of the door behind you, a blithesome step forward, and you are out of the old life and into the new! Then some day, some day long hence, jog home here if you will, when the cup has been drained and the play has been played, and sit down by your quiet river with a store of goodly memories for company. You can easily overtake me on the road, for you are young, and I am ageing and go softly. I will linger, and look back; and at last I will surely see you coming, eager and light-hearted, with all the South in your face!"
Cut from modern editions? What. The. Hell! Yes I know they are weird (especially "Piper") and generally have nothing to do with Mr. Toad's adventures, but... damn..
I shed a manly tear for the omission of these chapters.
- 12:59 Out walking around in public with no crutches or cane or anything. #
Sunday, December 20, 2009
- 19:28 Always assumed "Christmas Wrapping" was a song known only to Dr. Demento fans and the 80s-obsessed, yet here it is playing in a Krystal. #
Friday, December 11, 2009
- 19:14 My 5-year-old chasing boys twice her size around the school. They seem to actually be scared of her. #
Monday, December 07, 2009
- 12:38 #
- 16:00 Awesome.. Just heard the exact first 7 notes of the "Smoke on the Water riff" in throwaway incidental music in a 60's Pink Panther cartoon. #
- 16:03 #
Thursday, December 03, 2009
- 20:00 #
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Saturday, November 21, 2009
- 08:17 Re-reading old Joel essays: #
- 08:32 Maybe I should have washed this new coffee mug before using it. I'm sure the hot coffee sterilized it, but it tastes kind of chemically. #
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
- 12:13 After five months of helplessness, I can finally walk well enough to eat at a *buffet* #
Saturday, November 14, 2009
- 19:00 Nana called impatiens "sultanas". Only now did I learn that recipes calling for sultanas don't mean impatiens petals. #
Friday, November 13, 2009
- 13:36 After five *months* on crutches, today I'm gimping around the office like a zombie on my own two legs. #
Thursday, November 12, 2009
- 17:45 My kids just worked out for themselves that the "red-yellow-blue" color model is a lie. Mindbomb! #
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
- 08:43 Ida must not be a big deal. I called my dad this morning and he was *at work*. It's just a normal day in Bayou La Batre apparently. #
- 08:57 Bracing ourselves for a repeat of the events of 9/21. Traffic volume (for me anyway) indicates lots of people just staying home. #
- 09:04 Wait, when *was* the big flood exactly? I googled for "2009 atlanta flood" and the first article was dated "9/21".. #
- 09:08 Yes I see the humor in the fact that my house flooded this fall but I had to use the Internet to remember what day it happened. #
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
- 09:26 #
- 14:59 seemed like tweet material, but it went beyond 140, so I blogged it! #
- 17:29 Too bad you can't choose to age by staying in the same year and pushing your birthdate back into the past. #
Monday, November 09, 2009
weird memory thing
Certain things always cause me think about certain times and places from the past.
- Tuning a guitar usually makes me think about riding in the car with my parents to pick up my brother from a party at his 2nd-grade teacher's house, circa 1985-1986.
- Or... it makes me think about being in the drive-through of Krystal, listening to Casey Kasem announce Living Color's "Cult of Personality" as being in the Top 40 that week in 1988.
- A new one: something about a work-related IM conversation made me think it was mentally taking place in the Arby's on University Blvd in Tuscaloosa, during my college years.
- 08:50 RT @davewiner: BBC: How a blunder finished off the Wall. #
- 09:22 According to wikipedia, its just as likely that pigs originally caught "swine flu" from humans as vice versa. Do they call it "people flu"? #
- 12:32 Holy Micronauts, Batman! The Astro Boy toys at McDonalds can shoot their spring powered missiles for like 10 feet! #
- 12:44 You'll shoot your eye out! #
Sunday, November 08, 2009
- 09:36 Woke up and smelled the coffee that our 7-year-old made for us #
- 14:37 @drew826 finally a use for bobby pins besides sticking them into electrical outlets! #
- 20:50 Am I really hearing a light-jazz version of "Black Hole Sun" in a Thai restaurant? #
Saturday, November 07, 2009
- 06:42 Cable "on demand" has a small and baffingly obscure selection of Looney Tunes. Never expected to see Speedy Gonzales outside of a menu again #
Sunday, November 01, 2009
- 11:58 A Mickey Mouse cartoon on the Disney Channel?! Has the world gone mad? #
- 19:16 Waiting for trick-or-treaters to show up. Did Halloween get canceled? #
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
- 09:50 Favorite name for a source code file: "calcobibbilengths". Sounds like it has something to do with the chalcolithic age. Or cacodemons. #
Thursday, October 29, 2009
- 09:03 Thank you Mrs. McKinney for sending me this: #
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Thursday, October 22, 2009
- 15:32 Never thought I'd be that guy asking you to re-send me your numbers b/c my phone died and I can't get them off the old one..but there it is #
- 16:38 I don't need your numbers.. looks like the carrier actually stores them not the phone. Didn't know they did that. Big-brotherish but useful. #
Monday, October 19, 2009
- 11:23 Overheard: "Bacon is bacon. That's why they call it bacon." #
- 11:53 Sprinkee - coffee with sprinkles. An idea whose time has come? #
Sunday, October 18, 2009
- 18:24 What kind half-assed Chuck E. Cheese's doesn't have beer?! #
- 18:40 Roll Tide, Mallet Assembly style #
- 18:48 @Quinbot ouch. That sucks. I can empathize. #
Saturday, October 17, 2009
- 19:00 Two kids, two cars, and now two dogs. #
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
- 13:12 Soon to be added to "They have always known about SQL injection, XSS, parameter tampering, and XSRF" #
Saturday, October 10, 2009
- 19:12 The 2000 Rocky and Bullwinkle movie has *way* too many famous actors for what it is. #
- 19:41 kind of sad that in a film w/ a moose flying a plane, the most unbelievable thing is that he could fly to the whitehouse w/o being shot down #
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
- 13:06 SuppressWarnings("unchecked") will bite you, eventually. #
Friday, October 02, 2009
- 18:15 apropos Doom being mentioned on the Mallet list: #
Thursday, October 01, 2009
- 21:03 Client applications that crash every time the network connection with their server is disrupted have no place in this century. Or the last. #
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- 19:15 Never bothered to look before, but my employer registered at least two MIME types: application/vnd.intu.qbo and application/vnd.intu.qfx #
Thursday, September 24, 2009
- 16:55 I'm about 5-7 years slow for just realizing this now, but nobody has to learn HTML anymore unless it's their job. I kinda don't like this. #
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
- 08:28 Ignored local news advice to "avoid travel" and went to work. It was like driving on a weekend, no traffic. Guess everybody else listened. #
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
- 00:59 For somebody who's never technically held a C++ job, I sure do spend a lot of time looking for bugs in C++ code. #
- 22:09 Am I the only one that thinks this is WAY too creepy to air during kid's TV shows? Think of the children! #
Sunday, August 23, 2009
- 15:47 wifi at the pool == laptops close to water. will hilarity ensue? #
Friday, August 21, 2009
- 21:47 Mind bomb: Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" is *six* minutes long. I've known the song since high school and it always felt so short. #
Thursday, August 20, 2009
- 14:52 Now is the only time my reputation on will ever be exactly 404 (inb4 "you're a noob on there!"). Nice bday surprise. #
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
- 20:13 Now it is the beginning of a fantastic story.. Let us make a journey to the cave of monsters. #
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
- 21:13 Still having the code for games you wrote in BASIC when you were a kid: kinda sad. Making your own kids play them: priceless #
Sunday, July 26, 2009
at PDK airport
Monday, June 29, 2009
- 17:18 "I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky." #
- 19:34 Bookmark found in "The Martian Chronicles" bought at office book sale: joker card. On the back: "M. Hyman and Son. We suit the big guys" #
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How to mix a pop song from scratch | AudioMelody
- 11:41 Gonna throw some shrimp on the barbie. #
- 16:56 Just wrapped up "Ghostbusters", now starting the pilot ep of "Inspector Gadget". Its an 80s kinda day. #
- 22:18 "Soundies: a Musical History" may be the 3rd best thing ever on PBS after the Civil War and that time Stevie Wonder played on Sesame St. #
- 22:25 @Quinbot I once saw a guy getting a lapdance in a horse-drawn carriage in downtown Atlanta. #
Saturday, June 27, 2009
- 08:52 This will eat your morning even if you've never read a comic book in your life: #
- 22:00 I'm not sure how the other ones are mounted in there. That's the way they came out of the box. Might try some double-side tape or something. #
- 23:03 Daffy Duck is known in Spanish as "el Pato Lucas". That's the kind of thing you learn using youtube. #
Thursday, June 25, 2009
- 11:27 Should people trust to shorten urls relating to #iranelection? What if the Libyans who control the .ly TLD are in cahoots with Iran? #
Monday, June 22, 2009
- 15:02 For the first time, I have a good enough TV to actually understand why people complained about the non-anamorphic original Star Wars DVDs. #
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
- 18:53 @Quinbot There ain't no real Dayquil anymore, since they took the pseudoephedrine out of it. #
Sunday, June 14, 2009
- 00:08 What is up with Sandra Bullock's face? She looks freakin scary. #
- 16:19 Diet coke + sweet tea vodka #
Saturday, June 13, 2009
- 00:06 @willcockrell my fave new universe book was nightmask. i had a crush on the girl in the wheelchair. #
- 09:19 @toeknee Did you go look this up because of the pronunciation thread on [M]? If you don't post it there, I will. #
- 22:01 in montgomery #
- 00:03 #
Friday, June 12, 2009
- 08:06 Really need to learn to write down ideas when I have them. Because with my brain, when they're gone, they're gone! #
Friday, June 05, 2009
- 20:52 McDonalds pro tip: dunk the Chicken Selects in the caramel sauce that's supposed to be for the apple dippers. #
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
a cmd.exe replacement that supports "ANSI escape codes"
- 07:31 A poem I've been wracking my brain to remember since college: It's less awesome than the fact that I could find it. #
- 08:42 Breakfast: regular non-instant oatmeal prepared as if it was instant. #
- 17:45 Caught in a traffic jam that the traffic reporter calls a "hazardous materials situation" #
- 18:57 "I make more money that Calvin Coolidge - put together!" #
- 19:25 Watching Voltron with Zinnia. #
Monday, June 01, 2009
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Green eggs and ham
Saturday, May 30, 2009
- 09:05 No TV network currently shows Looney Tunes? Wtf? #
Friday, May 29, 2009
- 09:24 Finally realized that the music stuck in my head was the theme from the X-Men cartoon that I hardly ever watched. Why? #
Thursday, May 28, 2009
- 15:40 I was four months behind on turning the pages of my wall calendar. Spoiled by all these newfangled gadgets, I guess. #
- 19:03 When the hell did they start printing *daily* comic strips in color? #
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
- 17:46 @willcockrell you mean besides on the marvin list? #
- 20:00 I don't know why the wifi on my laptop quit working for two days, and I don't know why it suddenly started again. #
- 20:22 @scottlong it's labeled on mine, and it was on all the time. turned it off and then back on again. maybe it was stuck "almost on". #
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
- 23:04 @drew826 - #
Monday, May 25, 2009
- 11:07 Walkin the dog #
Sunday, May 24, 2009
- 20:22 18 pcs of sushi is not nearly as much food as it sounds like. #
Saturday, May 23, 2009
- 07:35 Last day of driving just one kid to school. #
Friday, May 15, 2009
- 07:16 Last night I dreamed about driving an SUV on railroad tracks; including a bridge; narrowly avoided a train. Don't try this in real life. #
- 19:05 Privets are in bloom. Love the smell. The one time a year when that invasive weed of a shrub actually redeems itself. #
- 20:44 @willcockrell I think I want to get one so I can lock it down to just Mallet people. A lot of my current Marvin posts could be tweets. #
Thursday, May 14, 2009
- 07:32 Tut, tut. Feels like rain. #
- 09:17 I keep dreaming about seeing construction workers and telephone linemen use mecha instead of cranes. #
Monday, May 11, 2009
- 10:23 @srscott if it was some exotic foreign culture thing, you'd do it. Don't let its being a major religion of the place you live in stop you. #
- 10:26 This is possibly the most beautiful morning I've ever seen in ATL at this time of year. #
Saturday, May 09, 2009
- 10:14 Interesting how similar "brandimage" looks to "braindamage" in a URL #
Friday, May 08, 2009
- 11:19 Is it possible to make Safari on XP ignore all certificate errors and just load a site no matter how messed up its cert is? #
- 14:01 Had this car for 18 months and this the first time I've used the CD player. #
- 16:25 Google images moderate safe search is no match for Skeletor. #
- 21:07 Funk is the problem, *and* the solution. #
Thursday, May 07, 2009
- 12:01 Facebook's image URLs not subject to authentication/authorization. HTF I not know this before? Good thing I gave up the security business. #
- 12:23 @drew826 What can I say, I'm old and slow. Its neither surprising nor very important. But still, it seems like something I would know. #
- 23:01 Beating a slow pony: FB photo URLs also still work after you "delete" them. I just deleted this, can you see it? #
- 23:11 @drew826 this says there is a compaction operation that reclaims deleted file space, but not how often it runs: #
- 23:15 @scottlong looks pretty random to me, but who knows? #
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
- 10:19 Any news lately about that Voltron movie they were supposed to be making? #
- 10:26 @Quinbot Tuscaloosa has a "midtown"? #
- 13:03 Officially an entire week without local phone service. (Practically, a while longer since it was busted for weeks before we unsubscribed) #
Thursday, April 30, 2009
- 18:36 @methodicechidna swine flu kills a more "important" demographic. Who cares about a disease that only kills babies and old people? /sarcasm #
Monday, April 27, 2009
"In medieval times, they watered their plants like this"
mezzoblue � Switched
I made the decision to switch all my client work starting point templates from XHTML over to HTML 4.01 and start delivering everything as plain old semantic HTML, minus the X.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
- 18:43 "You remind me of a poem I can't remember, and a song that may never have existed, and a place I'm not sure I've ever been to" - Abe Simpson #
Friday, April 24, 2009
- 17:35 Chipotle ftw #
- 19:36 Justice is not a frivolous thing. It has little, if anything, to do with a disobedient whale. #
- 20:49 Bought a WRT54GL at Fry's and it already had dd-wrt on it. Somebody bought it, flashed it, and returned it. Do people do this for fun? #
Sunday, April 19, 2009
- 12:23 Just ordered pork and chicken at Big Bob Gibson's bbq in Decatur, AL. Contemplating bottle of white bbq sauce. #
- 12:30 I dare say that the white sauce recipe I got out of Cook's Illustrated is better than the original sauce here. Still worth the visit though. #
- 12:35 ...except the slaw. I wouldn't cross the street for this slaw, much less drive to Decatur for it. #
- 14:14 Did you know you can sing (some of) Metallica's "Fade to Black" to (some of) the tune of "Dream Lover". (So I won't have to dream alone) #
- 21:34 Omfg is my back gonna hurt in the morning #
Saturday, April 18, 2009
- 14:47 I'm going to start referring to "ugly code, pretty UI" situations as "Everybody Loves Raymond code". #
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tough Guide to the Known Galaxy
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
- 21:46 All day long with no power outages or anything from the storm that knocked half of ATL.. Then all of a sudden the cable goes out. #
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
- 08:17 Never expected it to be this cold. #
Monday, April 06, 2009
I love josie
Dauphin Island pier
If the water looks rough, it is.
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Friday, April 03, 2009
- 10:49 My other scooter has a rocket launcher: #
Thursday, April 02, 2009
- 23:30 Bloggin: #
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
clues that a URL is probably going to be a dead link..
.. without even having to click on it. In no particular order.
- It's at an .edu domain - Students usually lose their school-hosted web pages when they graduate, you know. Plus, any such link is probably at least five years old. Current college students don't bother with these kinds of pages, they just use social networking sites for everything. And what if it's not a student page but an official university page? Still probably dead, because university webmasters move shit around with no regards for concepts like "cool URLs don't change".
- It's at an ISP's domain. AOL, Comcast, Cox, RR, etc. This means that if the person has ever changed service providers, which is likely, the link will be dead because their old account will be canceled.
- It contains a tilde - Firstly, any such URL is probably also a few years old, since not nearly as many sites create URLs like this as used to. Then, there's the very nature of the thing. This indicates, in general, the web space that comes with a Unix shell account, and that the person who authored the web page is not the owner of the domain, but just a user of a multi-user system. Most such sites are either educational or ISP related (see the first two bullets in this list). And even if they're not, it probably indicates something else ephemeral, such as an employee's homepage on an employer's website.
- Geocities. Actually, this is just as likely to turn up a page that still exists but has not been updated since about 2001. (I myself am guilty here, I have never taken down my geocities page)
- It's from a domain that is easily recognizable as a shitty small town newspaper. These still do not get such concepts as "permalink".
- It contains obvious implementation details, such as ending with "/cgi-bin/". The less the people who built the site care about hiding this kind of sauage-making, the less likely they are to care about more advanced concepts like permalinks. That URL will almost certainly break if they swicth from .NET to LAMP or vice versa. There is probably also some hierarchy of what language-or-platform-indicating-extentions (.jsp, .pl, .php, .cfm, .asp, etc) are more likely to be dead than others.
- It's a god damn IP address. This really means you shouldn't click on it at all, because it's probably phishing or worse. But if you do, it'll probably be dead anyway.
- 08:58 my own contribution to the rules of the internet: no matter what the search terms, if "safe search" is OFF, the first hit *will* be NSFW. #
- 16:30 peanut butter crackers and orange fanta #
- 16:32 RT @davewiner Kids should be encouraged to take things apart. #
Monday, March 30, 2009
One Seriously Empowered Motorcycle.
This... is pretty damn cool.

Saturday, March 28, 2009
- 09:42 Once in a blue moon, I actually still post something to by blog: #
Friday, March 27, 2009
Autoblog Sunday Drive: Welcome to Malibu Canyon
Really cool descriptions of a lot of the areas I drove around this week. Heh, I almost ate at the Rock Store.
California Drivin'
Route from airport to hotel on Monday night:
View Larger Map
The u-turn at the end of I-110 was caused by turning onto 110 by accident, and deciding to drive it to its end rather than get off and turn around early.
Wednesday night dinner drive (that is, driven while eating Jack-in-the-Box hamburger):
View Larger Map
About halfway through I dropped the burger in the car. It was unharmed, but I decided it was probably best to pull over to the side of the road and finish eating while the sun went down.
Thursday afternoon return to airport:
View Larger Map
I was expecting to be able to follow Mulholland Drive straight through to I-405, but it didn't work out like that. Because I had not done the research, I was surprised to find the road blocked to cars. At the point where the map shows me turning around, there is a metal gate across the road and it becomes a hiking/biking trail. All is well, as this afforded me an excuse to drive a long and fairly awesome stretch of Venture Blvd.
The reason I got off at Santa Monica Blvd was to find something to eat. There were of course zillions of places to eat along there but I didn't actually commit to stopping somewhere until after I'd turned on Lincoln. George's, a non-chain burger place with a guy's first name (like Arnold's on Happy Days!) and a pay toilet (also like Arnold's, in one episode anyway). I was so excited by all this that I actually put a quarter in there, before noticing that in spite of actually accepting money the door seemed to open whether you put any in or not. I didn't bother complaining about it.
You're probably wondering why, since this trip was obviously not intended to get from point A to point B in either the shortest distance or the shortest time, why didn't I utilize Pacific Coast Highway. The answer is every single other time I've ever been to LA I've used PCH as the alternative to 101 and 405, and frankly didn't want to fool with it this time.
View Larger Map
The u-turn at the end of I-110 was caused by turning onto 110 by accident, and deciding to drive it to its end rather than get off and turn around early.
Wednesday night dinner drive (that is, driven while eating Jack-in-the-Box hamburger):
View Larger Map
About halfway through I dropped the burger in the car. It was unharmed, but I decided it was probably best to pull over to the side of the road and finish eating while the sun went down.
Thursday afternoon return to airport:
View Larger Map
I was expecting to be able to follow Mulholland Drive straight through to I-405, but it didn't work out like that. Because I had not done the research, I was surprised to find the road blocked to cars. At the point where the map shows me turning around, there is a metal gate across the road and it becomes a hiking/biking trail. All is well, as this afforded me an excuse to drive a long and fairly awesome stretch of Venture Blvd.
The reason I got off at Santa Monica Blvd was to find something to eat. There were of course zillions of places to eat along there but I didn't actually commit to stopping somewhere until after I'd turned on Lincoln. George's, a non-chain burger place with a guy's first name (like Arnold's on Happy Days!) and a pay toilet (also like Arnold's, in one episode anyway). I was so excited by all this that I actually put a quarter in there, before noticing that in spite of actually accepting money the door seemed to open whether you put any in or not. I didn't bother complaining about it.
You're probably wondering why, since this trip was obviously not intended to get from point A to point B in either the shortest distance or the shortest time, why didn't I utilize Pacific Coast Highway. The answer is every single other time I've ever been to LA I've used PCH as the alternative to 101 and 405, and frankly didn't want to fool with it this time.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
33+ years of LA-filmed TV have pre-conditioned me to long for this
Still some gold in california after all
Holy fuck its beautiful out here
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
- 00:42 Finally arrived at LAX #
- 10:05 Needlessly convoluted route from airport to hotel: #
Sunday, March 22, 2009
- 10:54 Have used that crowbar only twice in about five years, but still glad I bought it. #
- 15:12 List of games whose earliest historical references are laws ''banning'' them: golf, bowling, ?? (help me out here, sports fans) #
- 19:27 @pvn me neither, although I haven't check the kosher kroger #
Saturday, March 21, 2009
- 17:08 No matter how old I get, I will always be slightly younger than Jimmy Fallon. #
- 17:54 Going out to eat sea-kittens #
- 21:32 @drew826 practicing full disclosure I see #
Friday, March 20, 2009
- 20:53 Just saw the Crescent go though downtown Norcross. #
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 20:38 "Milo and Otis" is a much darker film when you realize they did NOT have the budget to save the animals from having to really do the stunts. #
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 15:10 @pcjones: two kinds of people ride amtrak: railfans, and liberals. and I've never seen you with an employee timetable or a scanner.. ;-) #
- 21:57 @pcjones suppose it would be bad taste to quote train-wreck songs at you. #
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 12:15 helping myself to some beans #
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:05 Exactly nine years at the same job. #
- 11:19 @jisbellemtp well technically it's been 3 employers (mergers!) and 4 positions; I mean 9 years since I last went through a "hiring" process. #
- 20:08 "Call 1-600-DOCTORB. The B is for Bargain!" -- Dr. Nick Riviera #
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The ultimate weapon: the dreaded CheckerKnight
Monday, March 09, 2009
more links to Space Battleship Yamato on youtube
Space Battleship Yamato: (repeated for completeness)
Episodes 1-13:
Episodes 14-26:
Space Battleship Yamato II:
Episodes 1-9:
Episodes 9-26:
Farewell to Yamato:
The New Journey, Be Forever Yamato, Final Yamato:
Episodes 1-13:
Episodes 14-26:
Space Battleship Yamato II:
Episodes 1-9:
Episodes 9-26:
Farewell to Yamato:
The New Journey, Be Forever Yamato, Final Yamato:
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:28 Watchmen: go see it. Now. #
Saturday, March 07, 2009
When all you've got is a mallet...
mallet girl
Tweets for Today
- 07:30 @ricepapercrane and try not to read or watch anything else influenced by Watchmen either.. And turn off twitter. #
- 08:15 When old programmers go back to coding after years as managers, they may not get their old tech-perfectionism back. Good or bad? Not sure. #
- 08:28 @jisbellemtp ain't nothin' wrong with that #
- 18:02 Wtf is this new trend of mallet history being discussed on twitter, now ill have to start citing it as an info source on the wiki #
- 21:05 Walk through the Simpsons: tonight, the Ayn Rand school for tots #
- 21:16 "Here's your problem.. Someone set this thing to 'Evil'" #
- 21:29 "Can't sleep, clown'll eat me!" #
Friday, March 06, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:36 Being able to write ad-hoc SQL reports is an even more vital skill for a manager than for a programmer. It *will* save your company's ass. #
- 15:42 classics that never get old: #
- 18:39 Fail is.. expecting to catch an episode of "Tiny Toons" but getting "Baby Looney Toons" instead. Why, cartoon network, why? #
- 19:36 "Dogs seem to love you. Do you taste like sausage?" -- daughter #1 #
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 19:11 I say this with no irony at all: "My Hero Zero" is one of the best songs ever written, in any genre of music. #
- 23:48 This, just this: #
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:10 New corporate credit card is from Scotia Bank. As in Nova Scotia. Canadian banks taking over the U.S.? #
- 18:16 Please tell me the Watchmen movie has a scene were Ozymandias talks about Alexander the Great while the Iron Maiden song of that name plays. #
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:17 Just learned that "Alabama Song" (aka "show me the way to the next whiskey bar") was not written by Jim Morrison but by... Bertolt Brecht?! #
- 20:00 My quest to watch every Simpsons ep in order has finally brought me to the moment where Bart says "God, schmod! I want my monkey man!". #
Monday, March 02, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 12:05 Snow that everybody else has been talking about finally makes it here. #
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 19:43 Satterfits all around after repeating a story I heard from Shane Scott. The classics never fail. #
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 12:54 Finally getting over the initial twitter-only phase, and starting to blog again. #
- 20:37 @methodicechidna I am frequently dissapointed in grits. When they're good, they're good. When they're bad, they're disgusting. #
Thursday, February 26, 2009
three things that need to be memes
I've taken three screenshots from Uchuu Senkan Yamato that really ought to be common memes. Spread 'em, people.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
changing my recommendations
I no longer recommend watching 12 or 13 hours of Star Blazers from the link I posted yesterday. Trust me, I did it. By the end, your eyes get used to fuzziness and compression artifacts, and the real world looks strange for not having them. As I said, the DVDs are on Netflix.
These subtitled versions of Yamato are of such a higher visual quality that it would be a crime to do anything but pimp them instead:
I have not found the Japanese version of the actual TV series on Netflix, only the Japanese movies.
These subtitled versions of Yamato are of such a higher visual quality that it would be a crime to do anything but pimp them instead:
I have not found the Japanese version of the actual TV series on Netflix, only the Japanese movies.
Monday, February 23, 2009
We're Off to Outer Space..
Disclaimer: I don't know shit about anime. I can count my fingers the number of Japanese-created cartoons I've watched outside of brief youtube clips. So what I am about to say is not as an anime expert, because I'm not one. If you're an anime fan reading this, forgive me for never having seen a Wave Motion Gun before.
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Space Battleship Yamato) is really awesome. You should watch it. I say this from the point of view of somebody who, like you, grew up with Star Trek and Star Wars. It's just plain good Space Opera.
Do not, as I did, start by renting The Movie. This "movie" was made by editing the entire first season of the shown down into an hour and a half recap. It apparently was a blockbuster in Japan. But after watching that, I found this:
This Youtube channel has the first 13 episodes, in Japanese with subtitles:
And here the 14th through 26th, the rest of the first season:
And then there is this:
(Aside: this is pretty low-quality video even by Youtube standards, but if you want quality you can rent the whole series from Netflix)
This last one is the entire first season of Star Blazers, the Americanized version of Yamato that ran on Saturday mornings circa 1979 and sometime into the early 1980s. Even though they edited it to remove stuff like sexually-harassing robots, it still comes across as a remarkably uncensored cartoon for its era.
Remember, this was a time when the Wonder Twins and Gleek were considered acceptable as superheroes for American kids. This was just shortly before the advent of G.I. Joe, a cartoon in which neither "terrorists" nor the U.S. military were actually allowed to kill each other.
While trying to avoid spoilers, I will note that Star Blazers features:
Star Blazers is much more in line with live-action like Star Wars, or possibly "Buck Rogers" (the one with Erin Gray) than with contemporary or near-contemporary cartoons such as Superfriends or G.I. Joe. You probably think of all of these as harmless fun. Remember, though: Buck Rogers has global thermonuclear war - mutants and all - as the starting point of the series. As Star Wars has blowing up inhabited planets just to prove that you can do it. Did Cobra Commander ever get to do anything like that?
Oh shit, I forgot to mention the most important fact of the whole show. The Space Battleship Yamato is literally supposed to be the WWII Japanese battleship, converted for intergalactic travel and outfit with the Wave Motion Gun, the mother of all BFGs. This ship doesn't have a big energy-beam weapon, this ship is a big energy beam weapon.
For obvious reasons, they toned down a lot of the Japanese nationalism that was present in the original. Which for most non-Japanese, was probably needed. I do wish they actually let them drink sake, though.
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Space Battleship Yamato) is really awesome. You should watch it. I say this from the point of view of somebody who, like you, grew up with Star Trek and Star Wars. It's just plain good Space Opera.
Do not, as I did, start by renting The Movie. This "movie" was made by editing the entire first season of the shown down into an hour and a half recap. It apparently was a blockbuster in Japan. But after watching that, I found this:
This Youtube channel has the first 13 episodes, in Japanese with subtitles:
And here the 14th through 26th, the rest of the first season:
And then there is this:
(Aside: this is pretty low-quality video even by Youtube standards, but if you want quality you can rent the whole series from Netflix)
This last one is the entire first season of Star Blazers, the Americanized version of Yamato that ran on Saturday mornings circa 1979 and sometime into the early 1980s. Even though they edited it to remove stuff like sexually-harassing robots, it still comes across as a remarkably uncensored cartoon for its era.
Remember, this was a time when the Wonder Twins and Gleek were considered acceptable as superheroes for American kids. This was just shortly before the advent of G.I. Joe, a cartoon in which neither "terrorists" nor the U.S. military were actually allowed to kill each other.
While trying to avoid spoilers, I will note that Star Blazers features:
- Radioactive asteroids being thrown at the earth until the all the oceans dry up and the whole world becomes a deadly radioactive desert. (No roving bands of mutant biker punks that I've seen so far, though.)
- Vehicles that are known to be occupied blow up regularly, with no sign of any escape pod or parachute.
- There are a lot of frickin' lasers (up to an including the Wave Motion Gun), but there are also quite a few bombs and missles.. Weapons far too close to something that might actually be used in a real war for most cartoons to allow them.
- The mooks are humanoid, sentient, individuals. They are not droids, clones, or anything else that it is apparently considered OK to kill in a kids' show.
Star Blazers is much more in line with live-action like Star Wars, or possibly "Buck Rogers" (the one with Erin Gray) than with contemporary or near-contemporary cartoons such as Superfriends or G.I. Joe. You probably think of all of these as harmless fun. Remember, though: Buck Rogers has global thermonuclear war - mutants and all - as the starting point of the series. As Star Wars has blowing up inhabited planets just to prove that you can do it. Did Cobra Commander ever get to do anything like that?
Oh shit, I forgot to mention the most important fact of the whole show. The Space Battleship Yamato is literally supposed to be the WWII Japanese battleship, converted for intergalactic travel and outfit with the Wave Motion Gun, the mother of all BFGs. This ship doesn't have a big energy-beam weapon, this ship is a big energy beam weapon.
For obvious reasons, they toned down a lot of the Japanese nationalism that was present in the original. Which for most non-Japanese, was probably needed. I do wish they actually let them drink sake, though.
why, why was I programmed to feel pain?!
Am I just a lot of scrap metal to you? I also happen to have life. I hear. I see. I feel. All these things were created in me to serve human beings. And I live among you, sharing your hopes and dreams. And yes, your fears. I know when you're lonely and frightened. I know how you dream of returning to Earth. All these senses, all this feeling, I've come to realize is Love. Yes, I'm made of metal and I'm strong. I will fight to protect you. And if I'm destroyed and only scrap metal is left, well, it once held a heart.
robot IQ-9, Star Blazers season 1, episode 16
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Last week's hail storm put these holes in my vinyl grill cover
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:26 I've been watching this page grow for years, and it never ceases to strain credulity. No one's that ignorant. #
- 19:07 Incredible Hulk (as in, the Bill Bixby version) on a big screen HDTV.. I'm scared. #
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Look at these freakin' hailstones!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:00 I often wonder how much modern pop music is still shaped by early drum machines that could only think in 4/4 time and 16th notes. #
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:00 I often wonder how much modern pop music is still shaped by early drum machines that could only think in 4/4 time and 16th notes. #
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:11 Weird.. on my new cable box, you seem to be able to get to more channels by surfing than you can get through the "guide". #
- 19:16 Everywhere I go, strangers ask me where I got this thing: #
- 19:42 What kind of restaurant Kacey's is: ours is the only table here with no grandparents. #
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 18:56 This waffle house where I'm eating is older than most of its employees. #
- 19:41 @chetman for some reason I usually think of waffle house as being staffed mainly by "miss mamie" types #
Friday, February 06, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 15:49 @jisbellemtp I am always the only person visibly under 65 who isn't just there to deliver a shipment of meds or something. #
- 19:30 "I want to be in that Rhumba, when the Saints go over there" - HJS #
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:19 About to do one of the craziest things in software engineering: write code for a project while also managing it. #
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:16 285 is actually a faster commute than the series of streets I normally use to avoid it! I would never have believed this until I tried it. #
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 21:28 ST:TOS in HD, after a lifetime of seeing it through NTSC darkly. Awesome but.. Uncanny. Not sure my brain can deal with it. #
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 13:34 Ham fried in bacon-grease. #
- 17:21 @chetman @WillCockrell I do what you guys are talkin about, and the replies on twitter and facebook are indeed from different sets of folks #
- 19:40 @chetman I originally intended the tweets to be just a bonus feature of the blog, in addition to "real" posts. They took over. #
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:36 Spotted at LAX: dude in a "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit" t-shirt. Disneyland must sell them now? #
- 23:36 When watching The Simpsons from the beginning in air-date order, the first remotely modern episode is "The Tell-Tale Head". #
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:04 will never use the web without noscript again. #
- 18:36 Either they have a Krystal at the airport that I didn't know about, or somebody smuggled a bag of them through security. #
- 23:42 For the first time in my life, I am the first person to get off an airplane. Upgrade ftw. #
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 12:49 Cool thing about IKEA in ATL is people all over the rural south flock to it; telling each other about rats in their barn. #
- 16:01 @WillCockrell has it come full circle back to the mid 90s when the only business down there was subs-n-you and the chukker? #
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:30 How is it possible that a domain name as desirable as "" is owned by some local small business in Atlanta? #
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:17 Things have got to the point where when I see the word "interests", my mind is likely to auto-correct it to "internets". #
Friday, January 16, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:09 Spreadsheets: can't work with 'em, can't work without 'em, can't yell at 'em with looking like you're crazy #
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:49 @WillCockrell what's stopping you? #
- 13:23 it's amazing how much more often my job comes down to eighth-grade algebra than to any other form of math #
- 15:09 out of morbid curiosity, about to open a pack of these for a snack: #
- 15:14 been obsessed with the idea of canned fish products since I read about how the term "maven" entered the language #
- 15:40 bean triva! which were known in ancient/medieval europe? lima,fava,string,yardlong beans,chickpea,blackeye pea, lentil, "english" pea #
- 16:08 List of bands that I would probably like if I hadn't been avoiding them since 1993 because of "hype aversion", part 3: Guided By Voices #
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:30 Funny spell checker correction: WAMU to Wampum #
- 09:06 Protip: never, ever, click a link that ends with .pdf. "Save link as.." is your friend. #
- 15:21 Part of being middle aged is that you think of pop culture that is 5-10 years old as being fairly new. Yes, kids, it'll happen to you. #
- 15:32 @WillCockrell maybe.. I'm grasping for an explanation of why I think of movies from 2000-ish as new. Other than me being lame. #
- 22:00 @ricepapercrane wish I could get some government cheese #
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:22 Survived a 7-year-old's first slumber party, and didn't even get a lousy t-shirt. #
- 15:07 "I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages" - Bill Mauldin #
- 16:42 @Streyeder @pcjones when I graduated it took me 2 months to find a job, during which time I lived off my girlfriend. #
- 19:51 @chetman wtf are you going to kc? #
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 14:07 Trying to get my dog to do something like this: #
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:11 Stuck in my head for the past 24 hours: "Mental Revenge" by Waylon Jennings. Sweet, sweet, mental revenge! #
- 12:58 At the animal shelter.. Adopting a dog. #
- 13:15 @ricepapercrane the dog is daughter's birthday present #
- 17:02 Adopt a pet, get a free beer-bottle opener. #
- 19:47 At long last I can say, "yup, me an' the dog are watchin' Star Wars" #
Saturday, January 10, 2009
They were giving these away at the dog adoption
Tweets for Today
- 10:59 "Back then they called him crazy / Nowadays they call him a saint / Now the ones that called him crazy / Are still riding on his name" #
Friday, January 09, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 10:36 The effect of yawning while listening to music through headphones always fascinates me. #
- 20:36 #
- 23:25 Retweet: @davewiner: A 5.0 Calif earthquake. #
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 08:13 Microwave popcorn for breakfast can be justified on the grounds that most breakfast cereal is corn anyway. But it still feels naughty. #
- 10:51 Best bit of trivia on wikipedia: "Contrary to popular belief, [Knight Ridder] has nothing to do with .. Knight Rider" #
- 10:53 Reading about internets that failed: #
- 10:58 Retweet: @davewiner The Monday morning hacker explains how he got into the Twitter admin account. #
- 20:14 watching Carl Sagan's _Cosmos_ with my daughter. #
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 13:24 Time to start screening my calls at work. From now on, unless I recognize your number by sight, you're going to voice mail. #
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 09:06 Happy birthday, Mom. (Hope you aren't reading this) #
- 21:13 This is wrong. January rain is not supposed to be so warm that you go walking around in it for pleasure. #
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 11:09 Roll Tide anyway #
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 20:55 I really should be drunk for this. #
- 21:32 Finally something to drink to. #
- 23:46 This is why I don't normally let myself care about football. #
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Tweets for Today
- 07:49 Trying real hard to rely on my turtle power. #
- 12:47 Lord help me, I'm eating at CiCi's. #
- 20:53 Starback's closing early for new years eve == lame #