Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Mallet Hall Resolution
This is where Kudrav put it up on the web:
I'm publicly linking to it from this site so it will show up in google searches, which means the scanned images will get autoconverted to plain text by google. I hope.
I'm publicly linking to it from this site so it will show up in google searches, which means the scanned images will get autoconverted to plain text by google. I hope.
Friday, July 16, 2010
- 21:06 Yesterday's crazy drive to the airport: tinyurl.com/2fdqbvx #
Thursday, July 15, 2010
- 21:37 Where I'm eating! tweetphoto.com/32720182 #
Friday, July 09, 2010
- 20:46 Only a 5 year old would think to put cheese on *graham* crackers. But it's goood! #
Saturday, July 03, 2010
- 11:31 Pho79 is closed and selling their furniture, but the guy here says he just bought the place FROM HIS WIFE and plans to reopen. We'll see. #
- 11:35 Tempted to buy one of those fat little payphones like you always see in asian restaurants, but assume you need a landline to use it. #pho79 #
- 12:29 Google image search for "COCOT" only finds ads for womens underwear, no pics of "customer owned coin operated telephones". #
- 13:12 I'm so out of it wrt the news. Didn't know Sen. Byrd was dead until I saw a flag at half mast and decided I better go check the news sites. #
- 13:23 The wo rst part is, the flag in question wasn't at a government building or anything, it was at a Chik-fil-A. #
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
- 12:28 What you miss if you buy "Best of Lou Reed" and then never listen to anything but "Sweet Jane" for 20 years. tinyurl.com/29c3a26 #
Saturday, June 26, 2010
- 09:51 Holy crap, 10 years of Song Fight! Half of them before I discovered it. bit.ly/aDcPYj #
Friday, June 25, 2010
- 19:13 Dahlia and Zinnia diving. twitvid.com/C9WXA #
- 19:31 @chetman eight and five #
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Flvxxvm Florvm Sold Us Out To Mississippi
To celebrate nearly five years of competing at Song Fight without ever winning a single time, I have thrown together a compilation "album" of songs by me that originally appeared on there. Not necessarily my best, not necessarily my worst, just a roughly CD-length (71 minutes) collection of songs.
These are the exact same versions that were used in the fights; all I've done is re-order them according to fairly arbitrary criteria and made a big zip file to facilitate downloading and appreciating the songs as a unit.
Download, unzip, put it all up in your iTunes.
This album is dedicated to the everlasting glory of the Mallet Assembly.
Also, liner notes:
These are the exact same versions that were used in the fights; all I've done is re-order them according to fairly arbitrary criteria and made a big zip file to facilitate downloading and appreciating the songs as a unit.
Download, unzip, put it all up in your iTunes.
This album is dedicated to the everlasting glory of the Mallet Assembly.
Also, liner notes:
Sunday, June 20, 2010
- 18:40 Every time I come to Hunan Inn, I hear the same version of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone", played on Chinese instruments. #
Thursday, June 17, 2010
- 20:57 How have I never heard about this before? THIS is why early seasons of The Simpsons look so bad on DVD! tinyurl.com/29o8p79 #
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
- 21:49 tvtropes, the place where its ok to know that "Muppet Babies" and "The Muppet Show" take place in different universes. #
Sunday, June 06, 2010
- 10:24 Whoever said "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" lived in Atlanta with broken AC. It's 75 but I'm sweating like it was 90. #
Saturday, June 05, 2010
- 12:01 Omg I'm at subway and there's a dude here that looks just like Jared. #
Thursday, June 03, 2010
- 12:32 Brilliant green Anolis carolinensis was just outside the window, bobbing up and down puffing its dewlap. #
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
- 08:19 there's something particularly annoying about a captcha that is blocked by noscript so you don't even see the image #
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
- 11:20 They're still making new episodes of "Between the Lions"? For some reason I thought it was a lot older than it is. #
Monday, May 31, 2010
- 18:48 grilling in the rain #
Sunday, May 30, 2010
- 12:29 Twitter's "sign UP" link is way bigger than the "sign IN" one. Netfix too. I can't be the only person who consistently hits the wrong one. #
- 15:28 Few things are more country than a little girl in a flowery dress wading in a creek. Makes me want fried chicken just watching it. #
- 19:10 "How many Justin Bieber haircuts do I have to see today? It's kinda creepy." -- Dahlia #
Saturday, May 29, 2010
- 19:23 probably a dumb idea to have this laptop this close to a group of teens that another group of teens is actively launching water balloons at #
Friday, May 28, 2010
- 11:33 I believe that being able to seriously market anything as "x in a box" is still ruined from that SNL skit and will probably stay that way. #
Thursday, May 27, 2010
- 07:40 "Oldies" stations are not allowed to play songs that are younger than I am. #
- 09:01 I've ranted about this before, but seriously, why does my company still internally use apps that crash every time you suspend your laptop? #
Monday, May 17, 2010
- 21:53 If it weren't for Ken Burns, I would never know that the 3 Stooges theme (not 3 blind mice; the other one) was a Civil War marching song. #
Sunday, May 16, 2010
- 09:20 Nickelodeon has like six other cable channels to show their live action shows on; you think Nicktoons could be just cartoons. You'd think. #
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
- 11:54 Turned off an old server that had been running for months or years next to the break room, not even on the network. The silence is eerie. #
Saturday, May 08, 2010
- 21:17 Watching old SNL episodes... Dan Akroyd's Jimmy Carter voice was awful. It sounds like a bad fake Australian accent. #
- 21:19 It is, however, the episode where Don Pardo sits in with Zappa on "I am the Slime". #
Thursday, May 06, 2010
- 12:42 Moe's catering shows up with chafing dishes to keep the food warm and then requires the *customer* to have a lighter to light them with?! #
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
- 20:38 I told you we were raising this one as a nerd, right? tweetphoto.com/21103000 #
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
- 09:31 Boldly bringing our web designs into, if not the 00's, at least the very late 90s. #
- 09:37 How the hell did I not take even one picture this past weekend?! #
- 12:06 @willcockrell @chetman I keep my to-lists in a physical spiral notepad. #
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
- 16:06 Hey look, real blog post blog.jeff-robertson.com/2010/04/burnt-fork-creek-beginnings.html (will be odd when this tweet gets blogged) #
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Burnt Fork Creek beginnings
Burnt Fork Creek flows from near downtown Tucker to Mason Mill Park, where it flows into South Peachtree Creek. This is a picture taken in the park, only a short distance from the mouth of the creek.

Where does this creek come from? How does it begin?
On first glance, Burnt Fork Creek begins at the western edge of Brockett Road in Tucker, just south of the intersection with LaVista. I believe that LaVista Road in this area is roughly but not exactly built on top of the divide between the watersheds of North and South Peachtree Creek. This is also only slightly to the west of the "Eastern Continental Divide" which (again, roughly) runs up Chamblee-Tucker Road towards Norcross.
KUDRAVIAN ASIDE: The eastern divide cuts through the downtowns of Atlanta, Decatur, Tucker, and Norcross by zig-zagging through the metro area. It separates the drainage basins of the Atlantic ocean proper and the Gulf of Mexico. In some parts of metro Atlanta including possibly where I live, tap water comes from the Chattahoochee (which flows to the Gulf) but sewage is pumped over the divide and goes into the South River (which flows to the Atlantic).
Back to Burnt Fork. The creek emerges from a culvert at the edge of Brockett Road. On the other side of the road, is a parking lot and some buildings, so the creek appears to just come out of nowhere.

The vines growing in the picture looked like poison ivy at the time so I was kind of scared of them, but after some searching I believe they were actually just harmless kudzu. (Yes, "harmless kudzu" is supposed to be ironic. Imagine Mr. Burns talking about smoking "harmless tobacco".)
It turns out that creek the "flows" (to the extent that it flows at all, with all the fallen trees and other debris in it) into a culvert on the other side of that parking lot, behind some medical buildings. The creek above the culvert is very much like that below.

This next photo shows the furthest point up the creek where there seems to be any noticeable amount of water. This is located right below the deck behind a medical office facing LaVista Road.

A very narrow streambed can be seen dividing the ivy just east of there. There may have been a tiny amount of water in it. It appears to come out of a small wooded area that occupies the middle of this block bounded by LaVista, Brockett, Fellowship Road, Bancroft Circle, and Adrian streets. We did not explore these woods, as it was almost dark and our presence in the back of these dentist's offices and such was kind of questionable as it was.

There is also a ditch that flows out of a culvert on the south side of LaVista road, across the street from the Tucker Rec Center, and flows south into these woods. This ditch is clearly man-made and not a natural creek (Burnt Fork or any other), but I assume it provides a lot of the creek's water. At the time these pictures were taken, the ditch was completely dry but it obviously carries enough water some times to wash away a sidewalk that had been built over it.

Aside: As tempted as she was to enter that dark portal and explore the storm drains under Tucker, I was too big to fit and wouldn't let her go. I assume one day she'll do that kind of stuff with or without me.

Where does this creek come from? How does it begin?
On first glance, Burnt Fork Creek begins at the western edge of Brockett Road in Tucker, just south of the intersection with LaVista. I believe that LaVista Road in this area is roughly but not exactly built on top of the divide between the watersheds of North and South Peachtree Creek. This is also only slightly to the west of the "Eastern Continental Divide" which (again, roughly) runs up Chamblee-Tucker Road towards Norcross.
KUDRAVIAN ASIDE: The eastern divide cuts through the downtowns of Atlanta, Decatur, Tucker, and Norcross by zig-zagging through the metro area. It separates the drainage basins of the Atlantic ocean proper and the Gulf of Mexico. In some parts of metro Atlanta including possibly where I live, tap water comes from the Chattahoochee (which flows to the Gulf) but sewage is pumped over the divide and goes into the South River (which flows to the Atlantic).
Back to Burnt Fork. The creek emerges from a culvert at the edge of Brockett Road. On the other side of the road, is a parking lot and some buildings, so the creek appears to just come out of nowhere.

The vines growing in the picture looked like poison ivy at the time so I was kind of scared of them, but after some searching I believe they were actually just harmless kudzu. (Yes, "harmless kudzu" is supposed to be ironic. Imagine Mr. Burns talking about smoking "harmless tobacco".)
It turns out that creek the "flows" (to the extent that it flows at all, with all the fallen trees and other debris in it) into a culvert on the other side of that parking lot, behind some medical buildings. The creek above the culvert is very much like that below.

This next photo shows the furthest point up the creek where there seems to be any noticeable amount of water. This is located right below the deck behind a medical office facing LaVista Road.

A very narrow streambed can be seen dividing the ivy just east of there. There may have been a tiny amount of water in it. It appears to come out of a small wooded area that occupies the middle of this block bounded by LaVista, Brockett, Fellowship Road, Bancroft Circle, and Adrian streets. We did not explore these woods, as it was almost dark and our presence in the back of these dentist's offices and such was kind of questionable as it was.

There is also a ditch that flows out of a culvert on the south side of LaVista road, across the street from the Tucker Rec Center, and flows south into these woods. This ditch is clearly man-made and not a natural creek (Burnt Fork or any other), but I assume it provides a lot of the creek's water. At the time these pictures were taken, the ditch was completely dry but it obviously carries enough water some times to wash away a sidewalk that had been built over it.

Aside: As tempted as she was to enter that dark portal and explore the storm drains under Tucker, I was too big to fit and wouldn't let her go. I assume one day she'll do that kind of stuff with or without me.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
- 18:20 uhhh.. I don't want an involuntarily planted microchip either, but this is pretty funny. tinyurl.com/y46v7kq #
Friday, April 16, 2010
- 13:29 will literally write code for beer. #
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
- 18:08 can't believe I've learned to like room temperature coke zero. #
- 18:22 What plant is this? tweetphoto.com/18331222 #
- 19:01 @chetman one man's weed is another man's free groundcover. #
Monday, April 05, 2010
- 20:17 family Easter dinner at Dreamland. #
- 20:41 @chetman minutes after posting that we had to get the ribs to go, because of child meltdown #
Friday, April 02, 2010
- 10:04 one "Shin Cup" is not enough for breakfast. better make it two! #
Friday, March 26, 2010
- 20:00 Mallet Con, you better be awesome. I'm missing "Baconfest" to attend you. #
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
- 10:54 Trying to rely on my turtle power. #
Saturday, March 06, 2010
- 23:32 Why do I have six little bitty allen wrenches that are all the exact same size, but not the size I need right now? #
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
- 08:08 And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you. #
Monday, March 01, 2010
- 16:06 Walked 2+ miles with no cane, in the woods. #
Saturday, February 27, 2010
- 20:53 I am still younger than Toni Basil was when "Mickey" was recorded. #
- 22:02 A simple search for "duck smashing computer" found me this: www.genigraphics.org. Awesome! #
Friday, February 26, 2010
- 13:22 If I's a mole in the ground, I'd root that mountain down. I wish I was a mole in the ground. #
- 21:51 Why didn't I think of this? www.truetemperament.com #
Thursday, February 25, 2010
- 13:54 Dear Moe's: when I tell you to put "everything" on a taco, I mean everything that normally belongs on a taco. Not your whole salad bar. #
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
- 08:31 This. oldweirdamerica.wordpress.com/ #
Monday, February 22, 2010
- 13:38 Rubbing "kosher" salt on a boston butt: sacrilicious #
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Words like "good" and "bad" fail to express what kind of hair day this is
- 18:13 As far as I recall, this is the first time I've definitely walked a mile with no cane. #
Thursday, February 18, 2010
- 09:27 Comic Sans was supposed to make you think of "Watchmen" and "The Dark Knight Returns". I doubt anything has so completely failed, ever. #
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
- 08:26 breakfast = room-temperature Popeyes chicken and biscuits, from last night #
Monday, February 08, 2010
- 13:30 I want a bumper sticker that says, "My child can operate a KitchenAid mixer". #
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
- 09:31 IE6, why won't you die? #
Saturday, January 30, 2010
- 10:02 Few technologies are more misleadingly named than Outlook's "instant search" feature. #