Saturday, July 03, 2010

  • 11:31 Pho79 is closed and selling their furniture, but the guy here says he just bought the place FROM HIS WIFE and plans to reopen. We'll see. #
  • 11:35 Tempted to buy one of those fat little payphones like you always see in asian restaurants, but assume you need a landline to use it. #pho79 #
  • 12:29 Google image search for "COCOT" only finds ads for womens underwear, no pics of "customer owned coin operated telephones". #
  • 13:12 I'm so out of it wrt the news. Didn't know Sen. Byrd was dead until I saw a flag at half mast and decided I better go check the news sites. #
  • 13:23 The wo rst part is, the flag in question wasn't at a government building or anything, it was at a Chik-fil-A. #
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