Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 18:58 I am 100% sure it is not just that I'm old and jaded now. Chuck E. Cheese's is objectively lamer than it was in the eighties. #
- 19:04 How the hell did a store where I just used my credit card get my email address? #
Tweets for Today
- 18:58 I am 100% sure it is not just that I'm old and jaded now. Chuck E. Cheese's is objectively lamer than it was in the eighties. #
- 19:04 How the hell did a store where I just used my credit card get my email address? #
Tweets for Today
- 18:58 I am 100% sure it is not just that I'm old and jaded now. Chuck E. Cheese's is objectively lamer than it was in the eighties. #
- 19:04 How the hell did a store where I just used my credit card get my email address? #
Tweets for Today
- 18:58 I am 100% sure it is not just that I'm old and jaded now. Chuck E. Cheese's is objectively lamer than it was in the eighties. #
- 19:04 How the hell did a store where I just used my credit card get my email address? #
Paper cup inside mug
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We'll help, Meatloaf! But HOW!?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Serious Pie in Seattle
Plink your sink
Monday, July 28, 2008
leave the swiss army knife alone
In certain circles, particularly when someone is trying to make an argument in favor of "do one thing and do it well" in terms of computer programs, it is fashionable to bash the swiss army knife.
Jonathan Zittrain's The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It is only the latest place where this turns up.
Quit picking on the poor swiss army knife. It was good enough for MacGuyver. Also, good enough for the Swiss Army. Why do you think nobody ever messes with Switzerland? (Well, that and shooting arrows through apples on top of people's heads)
Jonathan Zittrain's The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It is only the latest place where this turns up.
on camping trips, Swiss Army knives are ideal. Luggage space is often at a premium, and such a tool will be useful in a range of expected and even unexpected situations. In situations when versatility and space constraints are less important, however, a Swiss Army knife is comparatively a fairly poor knife—and an equally awkward magnifying glass, saw, and scissors. qv
Quit picking on the poor swiss army knife. It was good enough for MacGuyver. Also, good enough for the Swiss Army. Why do you think nobody ever messes with Switzerland? (Well, that and shooting arrows through apples on top of people's heads)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
redesign coming..
I am getting pretty tired of the design of this place. Expect it to change drastically.
title bin
Some phrases I intend to use as song titles, eventually. Some of these I've been working on for years and haven't finished; some are new.
Dead Malls of America
Cornbread (Ugliest Girl in Bayou La Batre)
Dead Malls of America
Cornbread (Ugliest Girl in Bayou La Batre)
Tweets for Today
- 08:08 Our chief weapon is surprise.. surprise and fear.. fear and surprise.. and Outlook. #
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Chef Pete's
.. is a cajun/barbecue restaurant up in Gwinnett, located next to a bowling alley. The sign out front says:

"You can't beat Pete's meat".
There is a sign inside that says "You don't need teeth to eat our meat".

The staff also wear shirts with "You don't need teeth to eat Pete's meat". We asked to buy some of the shirts, but our waitress claimed that they were all sold out after a "gay bowling tournament" (her words).

"You can't beat Pete's meat".
There is a sign inside that says "You don't need teeth to eat our meat".

The staff also wear shirts with "You don't need teeth to eat Pete's meat". We asked to buy some of the shirts, but our waitress claimed that they were all sold out after a "gay bowling tournament" (her words).
every freakin' day
At approximately 8:55 AM I get the exact same spam about XXX Angelina Jolie videos, only Angelina is misspelled slightly differently every time. It's funny because it pretends to be from Microsoft.
Bug 446704 – "This might void your warranty!" is not appreciated by corporate customers
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Mnemonic Phone Numbers and the Numerical Keypad -
Blackberry makes his fairly counter-intuitive.
Mnemonic Phone Numbers and the Numerical Keypad - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community
Mnemonic Phone Numbers and the Numerical Keypad - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community
Monday, July 21, 2008
commercials that ruined classical music for me, part 2
Well, if you count Christmas carols as "classical". Close enough.
commercials that ruined classical music for me, part 1
.. and now are about to ruin it for you. This is a special gift from me to all you people who are either too young or too old to remember the 1980s. You better believe this is just part one!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
spoken song intro of the day
"Here we go now: A sociology lecture, with a bit of psychology, a bit of neurology, a bit of fuckology; no fun." -- Johnny Rotten, Sex Pistols, "No Fun"
Tweets for Today
- 16:49 I just watched this with the sound off, listening to "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica instead. #
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 08:27 It's a burrito, and I'm eating it for breakfast. Does that mean it's a breakfast burrito? #
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
classification of aging geeks by childhood exposure to bowdlerized anime
You probably know that in the 1970s and 1980s, a number of Japanese anime properties were Americanized: dubbed, renamed, edited, censored, sculpted, and packaged for the consumption of American kids.
I'm no expert on anime, but these are the ones I know about. I won't bother with their Japanese names.
Battle of the Planets
Star Blazers
Now, here's the thing. Not all American kids were exposed to all of them. Most of them aired in syndication, which means their existence and air time in any particular market were purely a local matter.
The only one of these that I ever saw as a kid was Voltron, with the exception of seeing one episode of Battle of the Planets when we were on vacation in Mississippi (The idea of taking a vacation in Mississippi may seem strange to some of you; I will eventually get around to explaining it).
I believe that every adult American geek saw at least one of these as a child, and that his or her future personality was shaped by it. Voltron people are different from Battle of the Planets people, etc. It's like signs of the zodiac.
Voltron people, because of that whole Lion Voltron vs. Vehicle Voltron thing, are inherently schizophrenic. We cannot decide between the two Voltrons. The mysticism and romanticism of the Lion Voltron, in which ghosts and witches are just as real as spaceships, and actual non-figureheaded monarchy is the obviously natural form of government for both baddies and goodies; versus Vehicle Voltron, with it's rationalist Star Trek like vision of the future, it's collapse-of-the-evil-empire-from-within Cold War plot, and it's constant reminders that the reason humanity is having to search for new planets is because Earth is overcrowded and polluted or something. The ideal of the heroic as held up by Lion Voltron is that of the medieval Knight (like the Jedi). The ideal of Vehicle Voltron is the Solider-Scientist (like Star Fleet). We Voltron People were raised to believe in both of these; it keeps us from being able to pick a side in Star Wars vs. Star Trek and sticking with it. It makes our choices of political candidate very difficult.
I don't know enough about the other shows to similarly describe them. Except that Battle of the Planets People are likely to be from Mississippi. And Star Blazers allegedly had people actually die in it, which probably means that the people who watched it ended up being goth or something.
I'm no expert on anime, but these are the ones I know about. I won't bother with their Japanese names.
Battle of the Planets
Star Blazers
Now, here's the thing. Not all American kids were exposed to all of them. Most of them aired in syndication, which means their existence and air time in any particular market were purely a local matter.
The only one of these that I ever saw as a kid was Voltron, with the exception of seeing one episode of Battle of the Planets when we were on vacation in Mississippi (The idea of taking a vacation in Mississippi may seem strange to some of you; I will eventually get around to explaining it).
I believe that every adult American geek saw at least one of these as a child, and that his or her future personality was shaped by it. Voltron people are different from Battle of the Planets people, etc. It's like signs of the zodiac.
Voltron people, because of that whole Lion Voltron vs. Vehicle Voltron thing, are inherently schizophrenic. We cannot decide between the two Voltrons. The mysticism and romanticism of the Lion Voltron, in which ghosts and witches are just as real as spaceships, and actual non-figureheaded monarchy is the obviously natural form of government for both baddies and goodies; versus Vehicle Voltron, with it's rationalist Star Trek like vision of the future, it's collapse-of-the-evil-empire-from-within Cold War plot, and it's constant reminders that the reason humanity is having to search for new planets is because Earth is overcrowded and polluted or something. The ideal of the heroic as held up by Lion Voltron is that of the medieval Knight (like the Jedi). The ideal of Vehicle Voltron is the Solider-Scientist (like Star Fleet). We Voltron People were raised to believe in both of these; it keeps us from being able to pick a side in Star Wars vs. Star Trek and sticking with it. It makes our choices of political candidate very difficult.
I don't know enough about the other shows to similarly describe them. Except that Battle of the Planets People are likely to be from Mississippi. And Star Blazers allegedly had people actually die in it, which probably means that the people who watched it ended up being goth or something.
Tweets for Today
- 14:16 yes, as a matter of fact I am wearing a pocket protector #
- 18:36 wearing ridulous amounts of sunscreen #
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 02:24 fortune cookie say: "an interesting musical opportunity is in your near future" #
- 13:41 At perimeter mall. They're lined up like crazy outside the Apple store. I'm just here for the food court. #
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 20:47 I'm so sunburned I look like a red devil. A fat red devil. #
Friday, July 11, 2008
another story that the kids are never going to believe
In the period from approximately 1986 to 1991, glam-metal was such a dominant force in the world of rock that literally all hard rock was covered by the press* as being "metal". Black Crowes? Metal. Drivin' N' Cryin'? Metal. Janes Addiction? Metal. You get the idea.
*For the purpose of this blog post, "the press" includes mostly guitar magazines and poster magazines**. I wasn't smart enough to read things like Rolling Stone so I don't know how they handled it.
** Defined as magazine which might contain articles but whose real purpose is posters of rock bands for kids to decorate their rooms with. Basically the non-sexual version of pinups.. does this type of publication even still exist?
*For the purpose of this blog post, "the press" includes mostly guitar magazines and poster magazines**. I wasn't smart enough to read things like Rolling Stone so I don't know how they handled it.
** Defined as magazine which might contain articles but whose real purpose is posters of rock bands for kids to decorate their rooms with. Basically the non-sexual version of pinups.. does this type of publication even still exist?
Tweets for Today
- 09:09 this better fucking update facebook.. #
- 09:18 Twitter is way too vital a service for it to be allowed to have service outages and turn features off. It should be nationalized. #
- 09:28 Farting up the ie8 beta for the first time. Yeah, I know.. I'm late to the party. #
- 09:42 IE8 was worth it, if for no other reason than leading to me reading this: #
- 12:51 Why is cantaloupe encountered on buffets and salad bars so much more frequently than honeydew melon? Honeydew kicks cantaloupe's ass. #
- 21:18 "What's for lunch?" "Next!!" "Chicken next?" #
- 22:02 "Lisa the Vegetarian" would be A pretty good Simpsons episode if it didn't have all that damned vegetarianism in it. #
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 16:38 "What, are you gonna read People Magazine and eat at Wendy's til the end of time? Take a fucking chance!" - George Carlin #
- 18:53 Woot, the shell station where i buy redbull and porkrinds has mexican coke #
Monday, July 07, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 09:12 How have I been using UNC paths since 1995 without learning that you can put user:password just like urls? \\server\share@user:pass.. wtf?! #
- 09:20 oh now I know why... because the webpage that just told me you could do that was wrong. sigh. #
- 11:50 it's good to know that in spite of all the ways my blackberry does not display web pages very well, it does in fact support animated gifs. #
Friday, July 04, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 23:27 montgomery chan 12 news ticker: "actor beyond bozo has dies". (exact quote) #
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 23:48 Sooner or later I always return toi my true mistressh: scattered, covered, smothered, chunked, diced... #