Thursday, October 09, 2003

Gallery of embarassingly stupid early sigs

These were originally done on a mainframe, and the EBCDIC characters actually made an Evil Grinn, with a backslash where the "›" is now. Apparently the translated-to-ASCII version actually messed up some people's terminals just by viewing it! Also notice the incorrect Latin. Not sure why its all uppercase, either.
|  UNIV. OF ALABAMA | EGO SUM ! |    ›   /     |
|  PO BOX CO        | COGNITO ! |   ›_____/    |
|  TUSCALOOSA, AL   | VOLO !    |              |
|  35487            |           |  EVIL GRINN  |

() UNIV. OF ALABAMA () EGO SUM !  ()   ›   /    ()
() PO BOX CO        () COGNITO !  ()  ›_____/   ()
() TUSCALOOSA, AL   () VOLO !     ()            ()
() 35487            ()            () EVIL GRINN ()

() UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA              -_  _-  ()
() PO BOX CO   TUSCALOOSA, AL 35487   -____-  ()

| UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA                    |
| P.O. BOX CO, TUSCALOOSA AL, 35487        |
| (205) 348 - 5465                         |
Here's to you, Vicki Robinson, Joltin' Joe has left and gone away !
Hey hey hey 
