Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 10:14 "Caching is hard" -- somebody smart #
  • 15:28 Something on re: Jimmy Wales' secret "google killer" plans.. Wtf? Only decent way to even search Wikipedia is with Google! #
  • 18:59 Web ads that are GeoIP-powered always think I live in Tucker. #
  • 19:51 @scottlong I'm a LOT closer to tucker than you are to lawrenceville. Google maps says only 3.6 miles to downtown Tucker. #
  • 20:24 @drew826 They show about the sensor module but they don't show anything at all about the boards. Might wanna try some double-side tape.. #
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 12:27 Eventually, I do plan to finish "The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It". I read the first part of it about six months ago. #
  • 19:20 Successfully refrained from ordering a durian smoothie #
  • 22:43 cheesy poofs + coffee w/ cream and sugar == really strange taste #
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 21:28 Really? It really can't play DVD without hacking? It should play $#@! Blu-ray out of the box. #
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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 17:40 just slept about 14 hours. #
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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 12:48 Disturbingly few people out doing day-after-christmas shopping in Mobile this morning. Depression is on! #
  • 17:12 A stranger in World Market just asked me if they sold bloody mary mix, like I work here. Must be the "Krusin' with the Kyles" shirt. #
  • 17:14 @Streyeder montgomery #
  • 17:25 Don't get these antiqued globes with modern country names. A globe so old its brown should have c. 1900 labelling. #
  • 18:14 Pop actually did eat itself. #
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Friday, December 26, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 20:47 My parents gave me a wii #
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 12:55 Wintzell's oyster house #
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mom and dad take in another stray

Pink pig

Tweets for Today

  • 10:14 At Great Clips, there's no middle ground between Sports Illustrated and Ladies Home Journal. #
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Friday, December 19, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 09:31 Finally figured out that my left ear needs a larger earbud than my right. #
  • 15:01 2009 is going to be the year I get back to playing music in front of people. #
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 13:01 "Now I'm not frightened of this world, believe me." - Ray Davies #
  • 18:03 @WillCockrell @methodicechidna @quinbot what about guys that piss without holding onto their dicks? #
  • 22:09 Trip to milwaukee canceled. Yay for teleconferencing. #
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Warner/Reprise Loss Leaders

If you have any vinyl records from the early 1970s, or at least any issued by Warner/Reprise anyway, you've probably seen ads for these compilation albums.

They were sold at a loss, as advertisements to boost sales for the more "underground" artists on the Warners labels. Particularly, it would seem, Frank Zappa and associates.

This is new stuff, NOT old tracks dredged out of our Dead Dogs files. If our Accounting Department were running the company, they'd charge you $9.96 for each double album. But they're not. Yet.

We are not 100 per cent benevolent. It's our fervent hope that you, Dear Consumer, will be encouraged to pick up more of what you hear on these special albums at regular retail prices.

The mix of artists even on a single one of these records crazy diverse, and nothing is segregated by genre. On the early albums, you will quite literally find Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Randy Newman, James Taylor, and Gordon Lightfoot sharing the same record. This defies all notions of market segmentation.

Either they were really ahead of their time, reflecting how people would eventually put all those together on their mixtapes and iPods, or they just didn't care.

Did I forget to mention that the later albums in the series was compiled by Dr. Demento?

Note: this is the kind of thing that really needs to be featured on Boing Boing.

Tweets for Today

  • 11:14 Live deer running down spalding drive. #
  • 15:24 Many a man has lost his life in trying to make lost time. #
  • 20:54 If I was Mark Prior, I'd call my blog "Mark Prior Opened". (Blackberry humor) #
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 08:53 Something you should know about me: "The Width of a Circle" by David Bowie has been stuck in my head and constantly hummed for 6 months. #
  • 10:59 There must be at least 2 cubic yards of styrofoam peanuts sitting unattended outside KP's cubicle. There must be an evil use for these. #
  • 12:06 The more copy-and-paste used in creating a piece of code, the more it looks from a distance like song lyrics. #
  • 12:21 @Streyeder didn't watch anything as a kid that would have that. I was a boy, see.. It does sound like something my daughters would watch tho #
  • 13:56 Just bought tickets to Mil-f*cking-waukee. #
  • 14:06 When you hear software described as "patchy, patchy", do you think of: a) b) c) neither #
  • 14:20 breadsticks!!! #
  • 14:59 Oh bloody hell.. No wonder nobody here knows what my job is. The title on my nameplate 18 mos out of date. #
  • 15:09 "The man who sold the world" is the only Bowie album that reveals what a just plain *scary* guitarist Mick Ronson was. #
  • 16:00 Todo: write a blog post explaining/advocating Humble Pie in the same manner as I already did for Grand Funk and Uriah Heep. #
  • 16:01 @Streyeder #
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Monday, December 15, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 14:41 Almost had to explain to my 6-year old what "mofo" means. #
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 00:57 @methodicechidna come crash my company xmas party in woodland hills ca #
  • 16:50 @scottlong: I've been in bumper to bumper traffic to get to lenox square for about 45 minues. #
  • 17:05 Overheard at mall: "everything I want, I buy. This is one of the thinks I like, so I just have to buy it" #
  • 17:44 Pink piggin' #
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 18:24 70's TV poll: Wayne Rogers/McClean Stevenson era M*A*S*H vs Mike Farrell/Harry Morgan era M*A*S*H. #
  • 22:27 I hate a song that makes you think you're not any good #
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 11:36 My new corduroy jacket smells like old library books! #
  • 19:19 Three airports in two days. #
  • 19:20 No, four airports. Forgot to count ATL itself. #
  • 21:01 Definition of niche appeal: a bluegrass drag act #
  • 21:34 I've just been told that Athens GA still has a Gumby's Pizza. #
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 17:05 If I'm going to keep doing business with bankers, I need to start spending more on clothes. #
  • 17:45 Turkey, bacon, and advocado sandwhich. #
  • 20:02 Lining up to get a table at this "Slanted Door" like it was concert tickets or something. Better be worth it. #
  • 21:49 It was, in fact, worth it. #
  • 22:36 BART train sounds like that noise at the beginning of "2112". #
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 09:05 Look familiar? #
  • 11:49 Holy shit, I might have to go to wisconsin. In december. #
  • 20:23 Exposing the kids to M.A.M.E. #
  • 22:57 Web forms that write to the database as soon as you click them, w/o an explicit "save"? Do not want. Twitter, I'm lookin' at you. #
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 18:31 Whatever happened to steak 'ems anyway? #
  • 18:51 @scottlong Is the third from right flipping the bird? #
  • 19:15 @WillCockrell so it would appear. For some reason I associate them as a food of my childhood. I think because they used to advertise on tv. #
  • 20:43 Starting a list of Simpsons episodes to let D. watch after she turns 7. #
  • 22:34 I like my beer cold, my tv loud, and my Sylar... Eeeevil. #
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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 10:56 Thinking of switching back to solid shaving soap. #
  • 16:09 @scottlong I take it this means you won't be at the company christmas party tonight? #
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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 09:17 oh it hurts, it hurts: #
  • 17:00 "South Old Peachtree Road": most awesome Peachtree name variant? #
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Friday, December 05, 2008

Caching Matters

Latency is not zero. What's more latency will never be zero unless we invent completely new communication technologies. We currently have no communication method that operates at faster than light speed. At light speed it takes 30ms to get from one side of the Atlantic to the other (not the furthest your web data may have to travel). Those 30ms slices add up, and that's assuming you've got a direct and perfect connection to your users. You don't, so chances are the best latency you can cope for is much longer than 30ms.

Cho dang tofu house, buford highway

Tweets for Today

  • 14:11 the whole fabric of the space-time continuum is not merely curved, it is in fact totally bent #
  • 16:50 Busting hard, crystallized sugar out of the bottom of a coffee cup. #
  • 18:59 Bay Area people: recommend me a lunch, walking distance from the Embarcadero BART. #
  • 20:30 If you have a Trader Joes in your city, buy Simpler Times lager. Cheap enough to drink like it was water. Good enough too. #
  • 21:04 "You are the silent killer. Go back to the annex." #
  • 09:17 oh it hurts, it hurts: #
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Six dollar shades