Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Clueless Manifesto
Sometimes NOT knowing about a "problem" weakens (or eliminates) it.
Perception is a powerful tool. Believing there's a limitation can sometimes create that limitation. And for the clueless who don't know about the limitation, well, it's as if it doesn't exist.
The Clueless Manifesto
Sometimes NOT knowing about a "problem" weakens (or eliminates) it.
Perception is a powerful tool. Believing there's a limitation can sometimes create that limitation. And for the clueless who don't know about the limitation, well, it's as if it doesn't exist.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Common Locale Data Repository
Most operating systems and many application programs currently maintain their own repositories of locale data to support these conventions. But such data are often incomplete, idiosyncratic, or gratuitously different from program to program. In the age of the internet, software components must work together seamlessly, without the problems caused by these discrepancies.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Index of Compute! articles
(Full article text is primarily available beginning with Issue 20.)
I really wish the text of the issue 2 article "The Deadly Linefeed" was online.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Thursday, February 09, 2006
900913 1|\/|493 534r0/0(|-|
Holy shit! Google in leet-speek!
The image search actually says "§34|2(¦–¦ Þ¦–¦Ø|2 Þ|2Øl\|" !!
The image search actually says "§34|2(¦–¦ Þ¦–¦Ø|2 Þ|2Øl\|" !!
Better File Uploads with AJAX and JavaServer Face
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
your assignment for tonight..
How many 32-bit hex strings that "spell something" correspond to IP addresses that actually have web servers at them? For example:
0xcafebabe =
.. which unfortately does not appear to be a webserver. But that's the example.
Better find them all before IPV6 make it irrelevant(er).
Optional challenge: include 1337-speak.
0xcafebabe =
.. which unfortately does not appear to be a webserver. But that's the example.
Better find them all before IPV6 make it irrelevant(er).
Optional challenge: include 1337-speak.
not engaging in friend-stuffing, but...
The number of people who read this blog wouldn't tip the scales for me anyway, unless they cheated.
Seriously, don't vote for me unless you really think I'm the best. Getting your mom to vote for you and such is really frowned on there.
I'm just trying to draw attemtion to SongFight itself. SF has been kicking around for years and years before I finally stumbled on it by following a link from a link from a link from Chet. How'd I miss it for long? Its like the coolest idea EVAR.
The number of people who read this blog wouldn't tip the scales for me anyway, unless they cheated.
Seriously, don't vote for me unless you really think I'm the best. Getting your mom to vote for you and such is really frowned on there.
I'm just trying to draw attemtion to SongFight itself. SF has been kicking around for years and years before I finally stumbled on it by following a link from a link from a link from Chet. How'd I miss it for long? Its like the coolest idea EVAR.
a bit of Peachtree gone

This old section of Peachtree Road, which I blogged on when I took this horriblly fuzzy photo a couple of years back, now appears to be closed. There is a gate across the road near the railroad museum.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The women's petition against coffee (1674)
Summary: coffee causes impotence, by "drying" out the precious bodily fluids or something.
Friday, February 03, 2006
What happens when an all-flash page gets hit by the Slashdot/Digg effect

2005 Underhanded C Contest
n many ways this is the exact opposite of the Obfuscated C Code Contest: in this contest you must write code that is as readable, clear, innocent and straightforward as possible, and yet it must fail to perform at its apparent function. To be more specific, it should do something subtly evil.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
6 Degrees Of EJB
Like the Kevin Bacon game, only for Java nerds.
what I want on my tombstone
"Some may say I couldn't sing, but none may say I didn't sing" - Florence Foster Jenkins, via Andy Balham